Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy
Dr Jennifer Peattie and Dr Georgina Boots provide gender affirming care for people of all ages and identities. This includes supporting social and legal affirmation, prescribing hormone therapy (including oestrogen implants) and referring to surgical colleagues if desired.
The informed consent model is utilised for patients aged 18 years and over. The informed consent model enables General Practitioners to provide hormone therapy and manage all aspects of healthcare using a patient centred approach. You do not need letters from a psychologist or psychiatrist to access hormone therapy. In rare situations, people with more complex health needs may require input from other non-GP specialists. Please note that chest/breast or genital examinations are not required to commence gender affirming care.
Initiating hormone therapy requires thorough assessment and management planning to ensure we provide safe holistic healthcare, unique to your individual goals and needs. This is not intended to delay access to care but to ensure it is delivered as safely as possible. Most people will be able to start hormones on the second or third visit if desired.
Patients under 18 years old will always require input from additional specialists if hormone therapy is desired. A GP can coordinate care, organise initial assessment and investigations, and provide referral to a paediatric gender service for access to puberty blockers or hormone therapy.
For more information on trans and gender diverse health, please read more on TransHub.
When booking please provide your chosen name and pronouns so we can address you appropriately. If different, please also provide your legal name if you would like to access a Medicare rebate for medical consults and discounted medication via the government Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. You will always be addressed using your chosen name and pronouns.